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Visual identity design

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Jodi Hadfield Beauty logo.
Jodi Hadfield Beauty business cards, front and back designs.
Pavement sign for Jodi Hadfield Beauty.
Jodi Hadfield Beauty website displayed on tablet and mobile to show website services.

Are you just starting up and not sure what sort of image is right for your business and how to achieve it? Or maybe you've been around for years and are ready for a complete refresh because your business has changed or your existing visual identity looks dated and disjointed and needs an upgrade.

What is visual identity design, and why presenting the right image is essential for your business

Business image matters! It's highly influential in how potential customers perceive you. Presenting the right image for your business will go a long way to helping you appeal to the kind of customers you want to attract, so it's vital to nail it from the start.

Your visual identity is all the assets of your brand that customers can physically see. It starts with your logo and colour palette, plus typography style, iconography, illustration and photography styles. Together they create a unique and unified visual style for your business to help you stand out and look professional.

If you have a bland image or look the same as everyone else in your industry, you're likely to get less business and lose customers to your competitors.

An inconsistent brand image is confusing

It may be that your business started with just a logo design, and your image has grown organically over time. The danger is when different people get involved, designing lots of individual items, you're likely to discover that your marketing materials are all over the place.

An inconsistent brand image can have a seriously negative effect on your business. Not only will it confuse your customers, but it can also make you look unprofessional. Consistency is key!

Consistency is key

At first, you may only need a logo, a business card design and perhaps a letterhead template. As your business grows, you'll want a lot more - a website, a brochure, some signage, flyers, packaging designs, roll-up banners, social media graphics - and the list goes on.

Whatever your requirements, your visual identity will need to be eye-catching and applied consistently across all your marketing material - both online and offline to be effective. It doesn't mean everything has to look the same but presenting a cohesive visual image will help reinforce your business identity and encourage trust and recognition.

A professionally designed visual identity will help you:

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make your visual brand a lot stronger and more memorable

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look professional with a unified visual style

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make your business instantly recognisable

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attract the right kind of customers

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differentiate yourself from similar businesses

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look established, reliable and trustworthy

ready to get started?

I can provide:

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Design and artwork - from business cards to brochures, sales leaflets to signage.

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Print management - advice on paper choices and finishes, help to find the right printer for the job, sourcing print to suit your budget, liaising with the printer on your behalf.

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Website design, build and hosting

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Visual identity guidelines - easy-to-follow guidelines for when your business grows and evolves to ensure all elements of your visual identity are applied correctly and consistently, no matter who is working on your projects.

How much will my visual identity cost?

It all depends on what you need, and it's not an easy question to answer without knowing more specific details.

Visual identity projects can be large or small, and every business has its list of items that need creating, so I don't offer a one size fits all package with a set price. The cost depends on the amount of work involved and the time it will take to complete.

Interested in how I work? have a look at my design process.

Let's talk about your project

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